• Wet scrubber

Wet scrubber

      Wet scrubber is the air pollution control equipment that uses the water or another liquid for removing dust or
polluted gases form an exhaust gas stream. This principle can effectively remove particulate matter from process
exhaust gases. It can also effectively remove gases such as HCl or SO2, but removal conditions must be right.

     Benefits to the wet scrubber is its ability to perform in various moisture and temperature conditions. It usually
resists to chemical corrosion, and requires low maintenance.  However, the wet scrubber dust collector discharge
contaminated water, which requires further treatment in the setting pond.

  • Our wet scrubber dust collector is most commonly used in iron and steel industries, chemical industries,
    petroleum industries, fertilizer industries, pulp and paper industries, mineral products industries, power
    plants (Boiler flue gas ), and etc.
  • Our wet scrubber dust collector can be customized in accordance with the customer’s requirements and
    process applications, such as its size, capacity, functions, operations, and warranty.